July 1, 2012

[Chinpudo] MxZuri

This is based on a not so well-known (based on the scarce amount of doujins based on it) shounen manga called Mx0. It's about a school of magic users, but the main (male) character can't use magic, so I suppose it bares some similarities with the Toaru series.

This doujin is 60+ pages long, with a main story at around 40 pages, and two bonus shorts. The main character falls asleep in the club room, and some tiny fairy-like girl tries to "serve him" while he's sleeping. Eventually, more girls will join, but the main appeal of this doujin to me was the way it's done in a cute and funny fashion.

Edited and recommended by AntiAgingAnon.

DF | MF | FU


  1. Mx0 author is king of cancels :( shame coz he's art if topnotch and stories are fairly good too with lots of ecchi!

    ah this doujin was good too.

  2. Mx0 is fairly underground in japan, if one of those series that's actually much more popular in the west than in asia.

  3. Mx0 doujin? oh boy. you made my day.

  4. An Mx0 doujin...

    THERE IS A GOD!!!!!!

  5. yep what black says is true, mx0 had a fairly large following here in the states and was one of those manga i looked forward for each week but was canceled because of week voting results in japan.

  6. Lucy is best girl.

  7. Tiny fairy fetish, GO!

  8. Woo thanks, YQII! I used to love this series, then they went ahead and canceled it... way underrated.

  9. seeing an Mx0 doujin release on the front page was pretty surprising. have to download this =D

  10. Mx0 was so popular in the western scan reading communities it got hype backlash. Pity there's not more good doujin for it.

  11. Wow, I never thought I'd ever see this. And on the same day, Life4Kaoru releases a doujin of Hoshi no Samidare, which I also thought I'd never see. Thanks.

  12. Holy shit its Mx000000000 !!!!!

    Your god man.

  13. I am surprised you never read Mx0
    It was really well done but got axed just like a few other works by the author

  14. >tentacles
    This seems promising.Thanks for the translation, Mx0 is in my backlog since forever might as well pick it up.

  15. That was a surprise. I never thought that it would come the day when I would be able to see a Samidare doujin let alone translate.

  16. That was great, even though it reminded me how awesome Mx0 was and how much I wished it had been more popular and not been cancelled ;(

  17. Hilarious. Many thanx.

  18. Lucy is actually a mandrake, a sentient magical plant, that uses illusion magic to hide herself and change how she appears. So her having thoughts of such nature about Taiga is kinda weird. Cute doujin, though.

  19. So surprised when I thought the picture looked similar to Mx0. Then I read the title/info. There's actually a doujinshi for Mx0 xD.

  20. I've had the raw for this for years, and I'm so happy someone translated it.


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