October 19, 2015

[Genocidou] Arcana Juice Final, Batch

Here's the actual final part to this series! The first doujin came out in December 2007, and I picked it up two years later, so it's been going on for a while. Rant below.

Scanned by The Tsukuyomi Project.



[Genocidou] Arcana Juice 1 - 7 (74.0 MB)

I started working on this series almost six years ago, so while I'm a bit sad that it's over, I'm also glad that I got to see it through to the end. Doujinshi series have a tendency to end abruptly without any real conclusion, so it's nice to see a long-running series (the first volume came out in 2007) get a proper final part. Many artists jump on the latest bandwagon when Comiket comes around, but when you stick to something for close to a decade, I think it's safe to assume that the author is passionate about the source material and wants to share that passion with others. At least for me, I think Moritaka Takashi succeeded in doing that, since working on this series led to me eventually picking up the game and giving it a try—granted as with all my attempts to get into the fighting genre, it was a short-lived endeavor.

Regardless of when you picked up this series, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.


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1 comment:

  1. Whew! This a blast from the past! I think this was one of my first post I saw after I came here!


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