October 10, 2015

[Digital Lover] D.L. action 98

I'm guessing the artist wanted an excuse to draw more Cinderella girls, so this one is based on the game setting with a different producer.

The author also put up this anniversary site in celebration of the upcoming DL100, which currently simply lists all the covers, convention stuff, and a chronology.

Scanned by NEET☆遥, and edited by AntiAgingAnon.

DF | EX | 50-89 Batches



  1. The idol who said that she "lacks impact" and didn't get an ero-scene with the producer, would she happen to be Mizuki Kawashima? http://www.project-imas.com/wiki/Mizuki_Kawashima

  2. Think so, especially given the Q&A section on the last page.


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