April 13, 2014

[Tataraba] Rare Equpiment in an MMO Means Erotic Equpiment, Right!?

It kinda does, doesn't it? Well, I guess sometimes, every single armor is lewd.

Hey, look! It's a Log Horizon--or Erog Horizon, like it says on the cover--doujin! Shiroe is probably busy scheming, which is why Akatsuki wants to get herself dolled up so he stops being a clueless pro/antagonist and notices her. She turns to Henrietta for some sexy clothing, and she's more than happy to help out...

Scanned by Kalevala.

DF | RG | EX | FU



  1. Argh. A well-drawn, humorous, translated Log Horizon donjon featuring Akastuki . . . but it's yuri. I dunno whether to thank your or weep softly into your shoulder.


  2. Universe universe indeed. Thanks for this


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