February 25, 2014

[Kikurage-ya] Takao Plug-In!

In case you're tired of all the KanColle, here's an Arpeggio doujin with best boat, Takao!

>Expecting anything but boats in your hentai

Takao has become the flagship of Gunzou's fleet. She's obviously overjoyed over this development, but he's also rather pleased with the situation. Look forward to some sweet lovemaking and the mandatory ship jokes (page 8).

E-hentai bounty by Red_Piotrus, contributed to by Dynellen, aiwotorimodose, salar, hihohahi, and takeshi.dono. Edited by hihohahi.

DF | RG | EX | FU



  1. Wow, I was just reading the raw for this one a couple days ago.

  2. Nice one. Many thanx Yqii and everyone involved.

  3. Kikurage-ya is a pretty good artist. Thanks for translating more of this artist's works.


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