October 17, 2013

[Yuusha-sama Go-ikkou] Attack on Mikasa

Well, I don't speak Chinese, nor do I care about SnK, so how did this come to be?

A Chinese translation was released about a month ago. To this day, no Japanese version has been shared. The Chinese version got uploaded to FAKKU, where a user called Crystalium decided to post a Chinese->English version in the comments.

At this point, AntiAgingAnon comes along and decides to reedit this. However, the translator didn't provide a translation for the last page, so AAA contacted me. I've helped AAA finish reedits many times in the past, but since the only words of Chinese I know are "xièxie" and "nǐhǎo," there wasn't much I could do about it.

Therefore, I in turn helped him get in touch with Blue-Wingz from Facedesk Translations, who filled in the missing lines and tweaked a lot of the dialogue. Finally,
I sent the now complete version to my proofreader, who gave it a final QC.

After being passed around like God knows what, here is the final product--in English! What's it about? Funny thing, I haven't actually read it myself, but I'm gonna say abs. Scary abs.

DF | RG | EX | FU



  1. Awesome story and awesome release! Also, abs.

  2. ...I like abs. Kinda unsure why *he*'s got such a complex.

  3. I didn't put up the last page....shit, you're right. Sorry about that. I gave you guys more work than you needed.

    Thanks for correct my mistakes and filling in the parts I had difficulty translating. This is a good doujin.

  4. Eren, you idiot! Mikasa's abs are not scary! In fact, it's SEXY!! XD

  5. By the way, I think the crazyfire2 should have gotten a mention. He corrected several of my errors as well in the comments.

  6. Another small thing: the line "masturbating in her birthday suit" is a mistranslation. What I originally wrote was more accurate: "naked and masturbating". The best translation would have been "naked and incessantly [or better synonym] masturbating".


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