September 17, 2013

[Ishikei] TiTiKEi Ch.09-10.5

09 - Various Things That Don't Matter
10 - Various Things, Even With Mom
10.5 - Illustrations

Here's the first of many batches, translated by me and (re)edited by AntiAgingAnon!

Chapter 9 is a simple reedit of this release (there was nothing to change). 10 is only four pages long, but it's the newest addition to the Iroiro series, and the Mom finally gets some screen time! After that comes 38 illustrations, mainly cover illustrations from various magazines. A few of them had text on them, and they have been translated.

Now that the new Iroiro chapter is done, we'll start over from chapter 1 and redo the rest of the book. Even without the illustrations, it's still 221 pages long, so it'll probably be around the same number of releases as a regular manga (i.e., ~10).

Update: I didn't notice the spreads at first, but I've now added stitched versions.

Update 2: Links removed by request of the publisher.


  1. Thank you very much for this release! Keep up the good work! m(_ _)m

  2. Thanks.

    ........ She finally got some♥

  3. Awesome. Many thanx Yqii and AAA.


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