July 17, 2013

[Ponkotsu Works] Colorful Harvest Ch.08-09, Colorful Harvest Festival, batch

08 - In the Country, You Can't Get a Job Without a Driver's License
09 - Once the Harvest's Over, You Get a ~4 Month Holiday
Ex - Colorful Harvest Festival

Well, here's a projects that's been close to two years in the making to the day. That's mainly because of my general inactivity last year, but after all this time, now it's finally complete. To make up for this, here's a triple release to celebrate its completion!

In order to not spoil anything, there's not a whole lot to say about these chapters. Chapter 8 is the conclusive chapter to the series, and 9 is a short bonus chapter.

"Colorful Harvest Festival" is a lighthearted bonus book that explains the differences between youth manga (main book) and adult manga (bonus book).

Ch.08-09: DF | RG | EX
Bonus book: DF | RG | EX


[Ponkotsu Works] Colorful Harvest Ch.01-09 + Festival (120 MB)

DF | RG | EX



  1. Thank you very much for finishing this manga. It was a great ride even with the slow release pace at times. You did a great work overall. Also, very nice oneshot.

  2. Thanks for the share!!! I was really looking forward to the full release!!

  3. Thank you VERY MUCH, YQII, for this really pleasant manga :)

  4. Thanks YQII as always.

    Anyone else know if there other hentai titles like this light-hearted story that also have marriage/kids at the end? I'm a sucker for these. I'd definitely have no problem having someone do commissions for them.


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