December 19, 2012

I don't want to be the little match girl ;_;

Well, the situation is not quite as grim. The recent shortage of releases is due to a recent shortage of having somewhere to live. I was lucky enough to find a new place where I can move in January, but until then it's back to my parents' basement~

Since I'll be busy moving and whatnot, I'll be on a short hiatus. See you in 2013!



  1. Well, at least you won't be on the street! Good luck man!

  2. Damn, man! What part of the world do you live in (if you don't mind my asking)?

    In my part of America, even the small towns are full of apartments. Of course, their COST is a big problem.

    Well, I guess this just forces you to spend the holidays with the 'rents.

    As a side note, thanks for your commitment to finish Colorful Harvest. While it has been officially released in English, I've found that most official releases of H-manga are not translated very well (sometimes on purpose to avoid potentially taboo subjects, which is simply censorship). People like you give these stories the respect they deserve..

  3. best luck to you man and keep your head up. merry Christmas an a happy new year!

  4. It's a good think you've at least got a plan. I don't know how well you get along with your parents, but meh, it's only for a short while either way. See you in 2013, man!

    I'd buy matches from you, honey ;)

  5. Best luck man?. We'll wait patiently.

  6. Damn. The '?" mark of course.

  7. Merry Christmas yqii!
    Moving home to your parents for Christmas won't be so bad.
    Most people spend it with their families anyway.
    Good luck...

  8. Happy Holidays YQII! Keep your spirits up and I wish you a happy 2013!

  9. You mean you aren't living with your parents well into your thirties like my uncle and using up the saved cash to purchase homes throughout the area to rent out?

    Get your priorities figured out, son.

  10. Either way, be safe, those basements are tricky. Happy Home Hunting.

  11. Good luck man! hope to hear from you soon :D (I just visited the site and saw this post D:)

  12. He died of hypothermia on the streets...


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