September 14, 2011

[Sindoll] DIGITAL SEX SLEEVE ~Renamon Ryoujoku CG Shuu~

Long story short, Super Shanko (who also did the editing) made a bounty for this on e-hentai. There's hardly any dialogue in this, so I finished the script in no time—handing it over to the editor over a week before anyone else released a translation of this.

So yes, there are other versions of this, but this is my version. This has been out for about half a month, but I haven't gotten around to make a post about it. Now I can also use it like a filler while I'm working on other new stuff~

It's around 50 pages of Renamon being raped by humans, another digimon, and a tentacle monster. So yeah, enjoy your yiff. (FYI: Text-less pages are not included.)



  1. so, isn't this bestiality

  2. Not technically. I'd say it's furry or monster girl.

  3. Yeah. To me, bestiality is more like with actual animals. These are clearly anthropomorphic, i.e., furry.

  4. It's neither. It's some kind of weird data fetish.

  5. Personally, I think it's neither. It's some weird data fetish since digimon are just data.

  6. BRB Imma Yiff in hell
    Thank you for translating this :D


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