July 24, 2011

[Arima Zin] Muchipuri Ch.10, batch

10 - Up! Up! Sister

Here's the final chapter from this book. We're rounding things off with some wincest with a sister that really likes her younger brother. He seems a bit bothered about it at first, but not so much after finding her drunk in his room.

Also, based on a comment someone left on Conan's blog, I changed the page order towards the end of this chapter. I moved page 201 back, before page 199 and 200
(201 -> 199, 199 -> 200, 200 -> 201). This makes more sense to be honest. Note that these side numbers refer to Conan's release. I've already swapped the pages in this file, and in the batch.

DF | MU | FU

Muchipuri Ch.1 - 10 (76 MB)

Nothing was changed during the course of this translation. There shouldn't be any difference in grabbing all the chapters individually (though some of the links might have died by now) or downloading the whole batch.




  1. Huge, huge thanks YQII! :D I really liked this book, kind of an unconventional art style.

  2. And so ends another book. Time to collect and maybe one day, I'll actually read it. My H-manga stash gets larger and larger everyday... Oh well, thanks a lot, YQII and Conan. I'll be looking forward to the next 2 books you'll be doing together.

  3. What! You download it but don't read it? What kind of sacrilege is this? But seriously I also download more than I have time to read but this is something I definitely won't put on the back burner. I will read it as soon as my excruciatingly slow connection allows. Having already read all the previous chapters I must thank YQII and Conan for the their great deed is bringing this to the masses (i.e. me).

  4. Great post. Many thanx Yqii and Conan.

  5. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be updating the links on my blog.


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