March 28, 2011

[Otsuka Kotora] Angraecum Ch.2, 4, 5 (Reedit)

Here are the remaining chapters from this book. AntiAgingAnon reedited these chapters, and the rest already used the tankoubon version. I compiled the whole thing for convenience sake, so the archive contains chapter 1-5. You can get the second half from this post. With these chapters, the whole book is now tankoubonified!

DF | MU | Ch.6-10


  1. Finally, I can enjoy this book in it's complete tankoubon glory. Thanks a lot, AAA for re-editing the remaining chapters of this book into the tankoubon scans. This one will be headed straight to my H-manga stash.

    On an unrelated note, would you (AAA) mind sharing your fonts with another editor (me)? Pretty please?

  2. Dang, the story is so funny!

  3. Has anybody seen the "new" images of Undead Princess by Mochi?

    Since SirC works as fast as a dead slug, I think it's about time we asked other, more reliable groups. Also, all the Mochi / Undead Princess on e-hentai are "pining" for some odd reason.

  4. If you want to commission it, do it. Don't spam every new post here asking "us" to "find a new group.".

    I've thought about it, but I won't do anything until I've seen the tankoubon version.

  5. Most of the them can be found here:


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