February 11, 2011

[Digital Lover] D.L. action 58

Here's the second DL book that was released during Comiket. Seems like the author decided to take a short break from OreImo and did a new Toaru doujin. Fine with me!

Edited by AntiAgingAnon. Mikoto isn't happy with the fact that Touma has never invited her to his place, so she takes matters into her own hands and does something about it. Good thing he has the apartment for himself today. As always, the story is cute and... wait... this kind of reminds me of something... Anyhow, enjoy your "no means yes."


A girl in a manga who can actually cook? BE MAI WAIFU (´w`)

Fun fact: D.L. action 59 is already out; a OreImo doujin.
Funnier fact: I've started working on the script!


  1. Perfect time as I've just finished reading the last 3 or 4 (can't remember how many you've actually done at the moment) DL Action doujins you translated a while back. Time for some more HHHNNGGG!!! goodness. Thanks a lot, YQII and AntiAgingAnon.

  2. With what happened in the last DL.Action Toaru doujin you'd thought the circle had resolved to finish with using that series. They just couldn't resist the publicity from the 2nd anime season.

  3. Thanks for this, YQII and AndtiAgingAnon.

    By any chance, will you be translating the short takumi na muchi doujin from C79? I think it's set between mamori kata part1 and the not yet available part 2.

  4. LOL at the End- Touma gonna get Pwnd

  5. Both DF and MU links don't work. ): Can anyone upload a mirror link on HF or MF?

  6. Thanks for the quick scan!
    So either we have biribiri/index double action... or hi-jinx ensue! I hope there's a combination of both. Maybe DL 60?

  7. Well, what's going to happen with Touma? maybe 3P? or Touma get pwnd?

  8. Great post. Many thanx Yqii and AntiAgingAnon.

  9. Thanks! DL Actions are so funny and nice.

  10. I must've missed that doujin. I'll take care of it.

  11. Ooohhh... thanks in advance for 59, can't wait. I love the Toaru D.L. stuff, but I gotta say, I love Oreimo even more...

  12. - age : check. (Barely, but check.)
    - un-futa : check.
    - un-yaoi : check.

    OK, I can totally enjoy this Digital Lover release :D

    Thanks a lot, YQII and Anti-Aging-Anon ! I'm deeply grateful ! :)

  13. Thx for this. Cheered me up a bit after http://pant.su/- seems to have just disappeared. I completed many collections cause of him. :-(

  14. what happened to pant.su? the page source now reads:

    And like that... he's gone


  15. Yqii, do you where is Len(from Pant.su) group is?

  16. I mean, do you know "where" Len's group is?

  17. why the hell can't I read it...
    this make me sad D:

  18. More like he'll be beaten/bitten to death... Misaka too


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