July 29, 2010

[Nama Cream Biyori] Rinko's Book, File hosts

A really cute Love Plus doujin that revolves around Rinko. Edited by ThorW. I don't really have much to say about this book. Rinko visits her boyfriend and they have sex.
I wonder if Rinko is still available.

RS | MU | FU


File hosts rant
tl;dr: The RS links are going away. What should I use instead?
Remember when Rapidshare was good? When finding that reset button on your router gave you unlimited, high speed downloads? Yeah, me neither...
Rapidshare has gone trough a number of changes over the years. From cats to premium points, their latest stunt really did if for me. The "Hey, who wants things for free anyway? Let's remove points and everything related to bonus programs, and just make everyone pay instead : D (Granted it's kind of cheap)" philosophy doesn't sit well with me. At this point, using Rapidshare is about as pointless as using Mediafire from an uploaders point of view. Besides the fact that everyone hates Rapidshare.

That being said, most file hosts today seems to be about "upload files - get rich!"
I have never in the past, nor do I currently want to make an extra buck on this translation business. I consider myself lucky to have someone willing to host my blog for free, so I don't really need money to stay online. Any money would go into my own pocket, and I don't mean to criticizes those who do take commissions/donations/use pay-per-download services/whatever, I simply don't want that due to personal reasons.

Reaching the end of this rant, here's what it all boils down to: I don't want to use Rapidshare anymore, so I need a new file host. I would like something that:
1. Have bonus programs. Like: Get 10,000 downloads - Get a free one month premium.
2. Are somewhat popular. It's pointless if I can't use the premium account.
3. I don't care about cash rewards, I won't use them.


  1. I would Recommend DepositFiles ... they have a Decent incentive Program for ULers and DLers. Whats the Worst that could happen...

  2. What about Hotfile that a pretty good site

  3. I heard Easy share has some good uploads ~ download bonuses, but the service is just crap.

    Hotfile is good on about everything, except that it pushes you to wait 30 mins inbetween downloads (nothing unbearable unless someone upload like, 30 single files in a day).

    Depositfiles is similar to hot file, but is much slower with transferences, albeit the wait between file and file is less.

  4. Oh, and I must add that, I'm surprised that "marrying your virtual galge characters to later having the become real" hasn't become a popular trend.

  5. I'm just curious, could someone explain why uploaders don't like Mediafire?

  6. I think it's cuz there are no bonuses...but I could be wrong...

  7. What's wrong with mediafire? I must have missed the news.

  8. Rinko made a woman out of Rinko? wat

  9. No it isn't. It's got some of the worst download speeds of any site I've tried.

  10. I'm curious as well. From a downloader's perspective (i.e. mine), Mediafire is by far and away the best file transfer site on the web. No waits ever with unlimited parallel downloads along with some of the highest speed I've seen? Yes please.

    Megaupload/porn is the second best, in my opinion. It's still high speed, and even though you have to input a captcha (it's just three letters and one number and is really easy to read), you only have to wait 25 seconds if you sign up for the free account. The download limit can get a little stringent, since after you download about a gigabyte you have to wait two hours or so, but if you've downloaded a gigabyte of porn you probably have something to entertain yourself with.

    From my perspective, Rapidshare is still the third best file transfer site out there. Its speeds are comparable to Mediafire and Megaupload, but the waits in between downloading files (easily 10 minutes) can get annoying. It's still usually faster and easier than the others.

    Deposit Files gets my recommendation as a replacement for Rapidshare. As mentioned before, it's got some sort of reward program, and it's also not too slow. It's got the typical 60-second wait of the second rate file transfer sites, but it's still faster than the others.

    Uploading is like Deposit Files except slower, and Hotfile is probably the worst. It's the slowest by far, and you even have to put in a typical, hard-to-read captcha.

    tl;dr I recommend Deposit Files if you're dead-set on not using Mediafire.

  11. No rewards? Megaupload/whatnot will give you premium membership with enough downloads.

    Why is Hotfile so popular these days? That half hour wait after every file, even if it fucks up after two megs, pisses me off so much. Other than that, not so bad.
    Fileserve's my most hated site lately. You gotta click that download link as soon as it pops up, or start all over. And again, the site just keeps dicking me over for no particular reason. Hang for a minute before the link you have to click immediately shows up, sure.

    That's enough bitching. I'd suggest Mediafire, incentives be damned? Don't forget it would kill your Megauploaddownloads as well.
    Or fuckit and try for some monay, buy yourself an ice cream. Ice cream makes a fine bonus.

  12. I'm rather partial to depositfiles myself, but probably just because the skipscreen application lets me skip through their bullshit.

  13. @Anon E. Mous

    One thing I discovered about skipscreen is that if you open multiple depositfile links at once, sometimes you can get 3+ downloads from them going at a time.

  14. I agree with you on the Rapidshare hate. I literally had 30,000 downloads after months and months of uploading h-manga only for RS to turn around at the last minute and say, "sorry, you also need PREMIUM POINTS as well" before you can convert them into Premium accounts. Nowadays their reward scheme is non-existant.

    Sorry for not suggesting any new host site. I think Megaupload is still decent since enough people upload content on there to justify working towards that premium account *COUGH*YMI SITE*COUGH*

    In short, FUCK DA RS.

  15. They delete files very quickly and sometimes without of reason. When I uploaded legal zip file to Mediafire, in few days file was deleted. I don't know why they did that, I guess they did that because they can.

  16. @yqii, Conan O'Brien

    It seems most people are using Depositfiles now, so if you're going to replace RapidShare with anything, this should probably be your first choice. However, if you want a decent service that uploads to multiple hosts, you might want to try multiupload.com

    Oh yeah, and this isn't the first time that RapidShare has pissed me off with shitty changes to their price and/or reward structure. Not sure about you guys, but I'm just going to let my account expire.

  17. So cute. Many thanx Yqii and ThorW.

  18. Woot, response.

    The reason I stopped using MF one time is pretty much summarized here. They seem to have fixed some of these issues now, but some remains. I never said that MF was a bad file host, but it's pointless. Pretty much all you can do is see how many times a file has been downloaded. I spend hours almost every day on this, and I rather take something than nothing in return.
    If I don't find any host that I like, I will probably just use MF. I didn't want to say it right away because I figured 90% of the replies would then have been "herp derp all sucks, use mf!"

    I was leaning towards Depostifiles myself, and it seems like the most popular choice here as well. I'll try it out tomorrow.

  19. I like DDL that allow me to use a download manager with the free (unpaid) access. I am able to use the Getright download manager and resume downloads with Mediafire, Depositfiles, and Sendspace. To a lesser degree with Hotfile which doesn't resume.

  20. Medaifire and Easy Share are good, Deposit Files never works for me, only partially loads the main page.

  21. Hotfile is the worst site there is. it's the only site that times out after 20 seconds.

  22. deposit files is EXTREMELY slow(30-50kb/s)... and it also has waiting time(usually 5-10min, it varies) also hotfile isn't that bad in speed(you can get 300-400kb+ and that ain't bad) its just the 30min wait thats awful...

  23. what about mediafire?

  24. As long as you use Mediafire or Megaupload I don't care what else you use. Those two I can download from. Depositfiles is like what 2 download then you wait 30 minutes or something like that? Fuck that, I'd leave.

  25. Srsly, I would just use Depositfiles (nice to skip with the waiting time with SkipScreen-Addon for Firefox, if you just download partially, and, if I understand it right, the uploader receive a reward), Megaupload (very good speed and much traffic), Rapidshare (for Premium-Users like me it'f the favorite Hoster). But after all I can't understand, why nobody wanne use Mediafire, so I dont named it.


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