July 12, 2010

[Bakuhatsu BRS.] Cat Princess

This is based on Final Fantasy Gaiden, with the cliché subtitle "The 4 heroes of Light."
(I thought had dibs on every "Hero of _" title... and "Royal Engineer" lol)
It should be mentioned that I have never played this game, and as far as I know, it has yet to be released outside Japan, so I've used fan sites and guessing for the names.
It's a simples story, but the characters are adorable, so take it for what it is.

RS | MU | FU

This setting is plausible and makes sense


  1. It's getting released here in October. You did well with the names.

    Great work as always.

  2. So cute! Many thanks YQII.

  3. Really cute. Many thanx Yqii.

  4. Wow, that preview panel actually made sense when put into context...

    That was a cute one, thanks YQII


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