May 3, 2010

[Sameda Koban] Pink Cherry Pie Ch.01-02

01 - My Mama Is Too Selfish!!!
02 - Fight! Ping-Pong Game

The first two chapters are full color, and therefore relatively short. The third is being worked on at the moment by Conan. The first story is about a daughter sharing her boyfriend to her mother in exchange for an air conditioner. The second is some sort of Japanese take on how they think other countries train to win the ping-pong tournament during the Olympics... Sameda Koban might be the Douglas Adams of hentai.

Update: Links removed by request of the publisher.


  1. Mom in ch.1 needs her own book. Damn...

  2. Just the quote, "Sameda Koban might be the Douglas Adams of hentai." was enough for me to read this one. Very funny stuff . . .

  3. Sameda Koban is great, and so are YQII and Conan \o/

  4. At least she (and the daughter) gets a whole chapter later on in the book!

  5. Thanks a lot YQII and Conan. This looks very good.

  6. Argh, damn, uoooooooooooah......

    I love this, thanks a lot. Yeahhhhh.

    (you're going to translate the whole book ?)

  7. whoa
    very impressive drawings

  8. Behold! My secret ping-pong training techniques.


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