April 6, 2010

[Wanyanaguda] Kuro Loli Ch.03

03 - Eternal Twins Attack 2

Two American twins joins a Japanese school. As in every other manga, westerners are portrayed as blond, blue eyed sluts. It should also be mentioned that I don't know if there exists an "Eternal Twins Attack 1", but if there is one it's not part of this book.  Edited by ThorW.


U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

Note: Ended up with two releases on the same day. Make sure to scroll down ( °v°)


  1. Damn it cultural misconceptions. Funny thing is, many Americans are in the same boat.

    Jap girls aren't all cute and submissive, and uniform isn't beloved by students. So there, wolrd shattered.

  2. finally. the loli i've been waiting for! faptastic scenes. lately, there really hasn't been enough. or maybe i'm spoiled by the inuboshi flood a while back. sigh. thanks yq.

  3. and eternal twins attack was in the first round shell. and it was just as awesome.

  4. damn, faf beat me to it. yep thats where it was, but it was two different twins from these two. and yes it was awesome

  5. Thank you so much for translating this chapter. Oddly enough the gunfight really reminded me of some scenes in Equilibrium.

  6. i have tried to find the full book of this...
    but i cant find anything for Kuro Loli or (Wanyanaguda, Wanyan Aguda)
    also no info in mangaupdates about this manga
    and almost all of this author is Futa O_o

    so can i know if there is another way to search for this manga?

    .- by the way YQll thanks for the translation

  7. That WAS Gun Kata. They referenced Equilibium.

  8. Some random Website said that "“Eternal Twins Attack " is the sixth story in Wanyanaguda's "Round Shell" Book


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