June 16, 2009

[ED] Cheerism Ch.03

03 - Twin Love Hurricane

The script for this was done 1½ month ago, and Conan finally got his stuff together and was able to edit this. Tsundere twin sisters - fap ensured.

Translated by me, edited by Conan. This is the first chapter I'm working on, and with it, chapter 1-6 are done, and so is the script for 7-8. With a total of 10 chapters, this will probably be a short project (unless Conan decides to give away his laptop again).

Previous chapters can (hopefully) be found here.




  1. nice work! You and Conan are Awesome! I always wanted to read the rest of Cheerism - now i have 6 chapters to fap . and the finishing move is near you say? You Sir just made my day - i will now...retire to some unfinished business ;-)

  2. Wow, very nice drawing style, and decently funny as well. Now, to hunt down the chapters of the tanko

  3. Thank you for this. Twins = double the pleasure, double the fun!

  4. Don't worry, laptop is under lock and key this time. I'll never let it out of my sight ever again...

  5. Haha, that was a funny one. ED is awesome, and so are you guys. Thanks. :D

  6. For the record, I can't believe that YQII had the naming sense to create a tag called "pony tail moe".

    You are my hero.


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