March 9, 2014

New project: [Amatarou] Melody

Short announcement: AntiAgingAnon and I plan on doing this after TiTiKEi.




  1. Alexandrine LibraryMarch 9, 2014 at 6:10 PM

    Anxiously awaiting.

  2. I was going to suggest the possibility of using the magazine scans if they were any better in terms of censorship since the tank was mosaiced to death. But the magazine scans are from HotMilk, they are arguably worse. So, pick you poison, lightsabers:

    or mosaics:

    Anyways, I eagerly anticipate your translations. Are there any multi-chapter stories? There is no table of contents in the raw, and that usually indicates multi-chapter stories and such.

  3. Amatarou is in god realm for me as far as artists go, so seeing an Amatarou work censored like that breaks my heart. I guess we just have to get used to censorship like this for stuff released in 2014. At least it's not as bad as that recent Distance oneshot done by The Lusty Lady Project where you couldn't even see the male or female sex organs. That's the worst kind of censorship IMO where it's completely white around the sex organs and you can't see them. At least with lightsabers or mosaics you can still see the outline of the penis.

  4. @Censorship
    Yeah, unless Japan changes their mind next week saying, "okay, no more censorship," I'm pretty sure these are the only versions of manga/doujins we'll get, so it's a can't-be-helped situation. At least mosaic is better than completely white/black genitals.

    There is a content page at the back of the book. I've only read the first chapter and skimmed through the rest, but looks like chapter 2-3 and 8-9 are the only two parters.

  5. Alexandrine LibraryMarch 10, 2014 at 3:29 AM

    Censorship is stupidity, simply. Japan is probably the greatest producer of porn comics on the planet (American take the trophy of live action videos), and the censorship is sometimes so exaggerated that it is difficult to believe it comes from such a country. Porn is forbidden in Saudi Arabia the same way it is free ion the USA, but in Japan it is free… but censored. In short, the Japanese system is schizophrenic. Worst of all, if censorship seemed to be weakening recently, suddenly regained forces and seems to soon forbid the presentation of ankles.

  6. I used to think lightsabers were the worst that could happen, then Comic Mugen Tensei (successor to Mujin) proved me wrong - least enjoyable censorship I ever saw; solid black shapes hiding sexual organs but also anything in the vicinity.
    The editors probably don't have much time to do it, and take as little risks as possible, which means the black strokes aren't precise at all.

    When applied to a pic with an x-ray view, pretty much half the picture is black.

    Compared to that, careful sex-organs-only mosaic is bloody HD.

  7. @Multi-chapters
    Oops, my mistake, I didn't notice the content page at the end of the book. I only looked for it at the beginning after quickly skimming through some pages. Thanks for clearing that up.

    Yeah, I didn't mean to be "that guy" and bring up the issue of censors, I know its been discussed to death especially on various E-Hentai galleries. This was just the first time that made me go wow, things have really changed in such a short amount of time. Sorry for bringing up such a tired subject.


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