March 22, 2014

[Homunculus] Renai Sample Ch.11 + Bonus Booklets, batch (Reedit)

11 - Contrary Teacher
Bonus 1 - Renai Sample Character Roughs - MelonBooks Limited Booklet
Bonus 2 - Renai Sample Plus - Toranoana Limited Booklet

Here's the complete book! Chapter 11 is listed as a single chapter, but it's more like a collection of 5 really short color stories (one 4 pages long and four 1-pagers).

I've also translated the two bonus booklets you get when ordering the book. The MelonBooks booklet has some artist comments on each character (non-h), whereas the Toranoana one has two more bonus stories (Be Natural+ and Silent Princess+).

Since I few of the pages have been updated in the past (which I haven't posted anywhere besides the e-hentai gallery), I encourage you to pick up the batch below.

Update: Of course a typo snuck in there. I got a character's name wrong in one of the bonus books (Shizuku -> Shuzuka). It's not big enough to call for a reupload, so just grab the fixed page below.

Update 2: Links removed by request of the publisher.

Available at FAKKU!


  1. Thanks for the release!

  2. Thank you very much!!!

  3. It seems page 191 and 192 in the batch was switched. Other than that, thanks for the release!

  4. What do you mean? 191 and 192 (actual file names) look fine in my files.

  5. I downloaded it from EX through archive download and 192_184 and 191_184_extra_magazine was switched... maybe it's only in the EX gallery and not the DF and RG ones.

  6. Thanks for the release.

  7. Oh, I see. Yeah, it's sorta a gamble when you name a file "X" and then another file "X + something"; which one comes first depends on the system.

    They show up in the correct order if you use the DF/RG links on Windows (can't test other OSs) or use CDisplayEx. I've also swapped the files in the gallery, so they should now be correct on EX as well.

    Thanks for pointing it out.


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