February 24, 2014

[Takumi na Muchi] Onodera-san Today Again

Much like many of this circle's Railgun doujins, this one doesn't look like a direct sequel to the previous Nisekoi doujin, and instead, it's a standalone story.

The obvious progression of a relationship is dating → marriage → making babies, and if you can't finish the job, what's the point trying? At least that's what Ruri-chan tells Kosaki, and urges her to make sure that her and Raku's bodies are "compatible" before doing anything else.

Edited by Conan.

DF | RG | EX | FU



  1. Awesome. Many thanx Yqii.

  2. "Much like many of this circle's Railgun doujins"? It could be added that this particular title shares quite a few characteristics with them, in that it focuses on awkward first-timers (a favourite scenario of Takumi Namuchi's, for whatever reason). Besides, the "action" is starting to get a little formulaic. I think Namuchi-san needs to vary it up a bit, even though her art is impeccable.


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