November 25, 2013

12 Days of Lolititmas

Let's make the wait for Christmas Day a little less excruciating with Alexi's Sandwich 7!

Throughout December, I'll release a new scene every other day up until Christmas Day, with a double release on the 23rd, and then all the remaining scenes from the CG set (plus a bonus!) on the 25th.

Teaser (November 25) Scene 01

Day 1 (December 3) Scene 02

Day 2 (December 5) Scene 03

Day 3 (December 7) Scene 04

Day 4 (December 9) Scene 05

Day 5 (December 11) Scene 06

Day 6 (December 13) Scene 07

Day 7 (December 15) Scene 08

Day 8 (December 17) Scene 09

Day 9 (December 19) Scene 10

Day 10 (December 21) Scene 11

Day 11 (December 23) Scene 12 - 13

Day 12 (December 25) Scene 14 - 16, Extras + Bonus

oppawich [ENG]


  1. Yay, more Arekishi/Alexi oppai. Happy early Black Friday sale YQII~

  2. Alexi's not really up my alley (couple of interesting deepthroat bits out there though) but I'm glad if you all enjoy it.


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