October 25, 2013

[Katamari-ya] Seductive Bottom x Hunted Hunter, Release #550, #10 C84 Release

Here's another Madoka doujin from this group: Sayaka x Kyouko this time.

Kyouko drops by uninvited while Sayaka is in the middle of trying out some lewd underwear. After mistaking for whom Sayaka bought her underwear, Kyouko--apparently having mastered the art of spontaneous dick-growing without the help of Godoka--decides to rape her. However, this doujin is a good example of why you can't rape the willing. If you do, it might become a bit unclear who's raping who.

Scan by The Tsukuyomi Project.

DF | RG | EX | FU


Release #550
Wow, we've kept a pretty good pace for these last 50 releases. Looking back at #500, we've had 50 releases in just over 100 days. Here's for 50 more... and then 66 more so I can put together a mandatory Satan related torrent.

It's also my 10th C84 release, making this my most productive Comiket by far!
Plenty more doujins are on their way as well.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats for your 550th release, and many thanx for your hard work for us. Time sure flies.


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