September 13, 2013

New (?) project: [Ishikei] TiTiKEi

It's Friday the 13th, so let's have some good news to balance things out:

I thought I'd never see all of Ishikei's shorts tankoubonified, but here we are.

I did my first Ishikei translation over five years ago, and some of the other translations are even older that that. Needless to say, the quality--literally in every single way, from translation to typesetting--really isn't up to par for most of these stories. So...

AntiAgingAnon and I intend to redo the entire book. That means I'll provide a new translation, and AAA will reedit every single chapter* using the tankoubon scan.

We'll probably release this in a few bigger batches, rather than one chapter at a time, since most of these chapters are less than 10 pages long.

The new 4 pager is up first though.


  1. I see you grabbed the limited edition scans, thanks for that. :)

  2. Thank you so much for doing this!

  3. could you increase the jpg quality at least to 92?
    the jpg artifact is showing.

  4. This is the raw scan, so I doubt I can increase its quality unless I get a new scan.


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