August 20, 2013

[Digital Lover] D.L. action 79

Digital Lover's second C84 doujin, and after years of almost exclusively working on Toaru and OreImo, DL throws another curve-ball in the form of a Bakemonogatari one.

Araragi lets an opportunity to get some donuts slip by, so Shinobu threatens to tell Gahara what's been going on when he's around other girls. He offers to buy her one of every kind from Mister Donuts next time he stops by, but that's not enough to satisfy her.

Expect some typical Monogatari-esque bantering, followed by bathtub-banging.

DF | RG | EX | FU



  1. Just an FYI, Lusty Lady Project already translated this.

    Bit of friendly competition is always good though.

  2. Thx a ton for your latest work! I forgot, did u guys do Liliana-san of My House previously or have u just worked on My Next door Neighbor Anette-san?

  3. @Z1
    I commented on it here.

    I've only done the Anette series.


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