June 5, 2013

[Musashi-dou] Futanarix Touhou - Mayohiga Chapter

Wow, this has been delayed for several weeks now. I just had some minor changes left to do, but I've always had something else to release, so I've postponed it up until now.

Well, it's finally ready! A boy gets lost in the Youkai Mountains and ends up at Mayohiga, where he's greeted by a drunk Yukari and Yuyuko. And if you think the plot sounds very similar to that of "POISON-XXX," I can confirm that it is.
.................................................................. _██_
Gentlemen, relax your anuses and enjoy the ride (ಠ_ృ)

DF | RG | EX | FU



  1. You're right, it is pretty similar to Poison XXX..........good stuff xD. Thanks a lot!!


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