May 2, 2013

[Ogata Mamimi] Dog Trainer Mai-chan

Here's a full-color short from "Girls forM Vol.01." The magazine's slogan is "All Men want Sadistic girl," so that should give you an idea of what you're in for.

Mai finds out that this guy (they're probably close, but you don't really get to know their relation) has lewd pictures of her on his phone, naturally, it's punishment time~

This was a e-hentai bounty posted by Boggyb. Edited by jantch.

DF | RG | FU


Just FYI, more M stuff is on its way.


  1. I spy a work from Girls for M volume 1! thanks, yqii!

    question: is this "more M stuff" referring to more stuff from Girls for M? if so, I must recommend...


    (might be too much loli for some, but I like it).

  2. I believe that's already translated. exhentai /g/588501/d8860feed4/
    You can find it there if you want.

  3. I would love to see more femdom. I feel like there's really not enough of it. Thanks for the fun Yqii.

  4. Hey, I'm interested in that, but i only see sad panda. mind telling me the title/author? thanks :D

  5. Nice. Many thanx Yqii.

  6. I second this. From what I've seen so far, Girls for M has some great stuff!


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