April 12, 2013

[Yagisaki Ginza] Unmotivated Valentine

Here's one of the few scanned Sasami doujins out there. This series has a lot of potential doujin material (canon incest, futa, etc.), so I hope at least some artists does something interesting with it.

This takes place during Valentine's Day, and although Sasami tries to make some chocolate herself, her brother does it for her in the end. Not sure if she can give him chocolate he made, she thinks of something else she can give him.

Scanned by Sabre.Anime.

DF | RG | FU

Making your own Valentine's chocolate? What are you, a tryhard?


  1. So can someone that follows the series tell me why he can't look at his sister?

  2. I think it's supposed to be one of those "Face is never shown" characters. Back in the day you'd have parents/adults cropped out in animation to skimp on superfluous character design.

  3. IIRC, rather than he not being able to look at her, he can't show his face, period. They're a family of priests and priestesses, and he chose to hide his face at some point, kinda like how monks and whatnot take a vow of silence.

    I'm sure they gave a more detailed explanation somewhere, but most of the time, it's just there as running gag.


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