July 15, 2012

4 Years

I don't care much for cakes, so have a roast beef sandwich

4 years on the internets! I've been busy lately planning for a upcoming trip overseas.
I have several things literally waiting to be released, but I'll try to squeeze them in this upcoming week before I leave.

For the same reason, I haven't been able to prepare anything special for this occasion.
I think I will do something when I get back in August though!

Also, I know a new batch torrent is long overdue. I'll try to have a new one with the latest ~100 releases up in August as well.


  1. Congrats for 4 years of translations and here's a toast to years to come.

  2. Hope you have fun on vacation!

  3. Is it bad that I first saw that as three pieces of excrement in the shape of the number 4?

  4. Happy 4 years!

    Hope there are a lot more to celebrate as well.

  5. YummY!

    congratz 4 years!

  6. How is that in any way a sandwich?

  7. Congratulations on the great 4 years!

  8. Well, it's a sandwich in the making. It's kinda hard to make anything out of it once you put the top on.

  9. congratulations to us! for being lucky enough for having you around for 4 years =)

    i really hope to keep that luck for many years to come!

  10. You forgot about that new torrent


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