May 8, 2011

[Nama Cream Biyori] I Only Need Sena 1

Nama Cream Biyori specializes in very voluptuous girls—the kind where your hand sinks in an inch no matter where you touch them—and this is no exception. This is the first part of so far three doujins, and I'll keep working on this series.

Like a bit of a homage to the novels, all of these starts off with a page or two of dialog. It's actually a pretty nice way to fit in some back-story while still maintaining a good tits-no tits ratio for the pages. This is the scenario in the first doujin:

Sena promises she'll introduce Kodaka to a potential friend, but in return she wants to play around with Kobato. Sena isn't willing to compromise when it comes to her demands, so Kodaka suggests they'll solve their dispute with a chicken race. Basically it's a number of dares, and the first one to back down has to listen the the other one.

DF | MU | FU


  1. fuck year a bwtgs doujin!
    many thanks!

  2. I wonder how many people would complain by only getting "just Sena". I know I wouldn't (through the whole club looks good enough to eat, mind you).

  3. Love your releases man, you always choose the best to translate.
    Keep up the good work! :)

  4. probably the first tomo trans
    way to go!

  5. Nope, there was one before this. It was done by Little White Butterflies. So at the very least, it's the second lol.

    Anyway, thanks a lot, YQII. "Nama Cream Biyori specializes in very voluptuous girls—the kind where your hand sinks in an inch no matter where you touch them". And it's for this reason I love reading stuff by Nama Cream Biyori (who I suspect to be female). I'll be looking forward to seeing the other parts (and any others) translated. Thanks again.

  6. Sweeeeeeet ! Thank you, YQII :)

    A small bug report, since you previously wrote you were interested in reading them, page 011, you wrote "sqeeze" instead of "squeeze".

    I luv this artist :3

  7. Many thanx Yqii. Look awesome.

  8. <3 this artist, tyvm

  9. Using my batmanesque powers of deduction, I have concluded that those 27 guys Sena was referring to in the first page are all characters in those galge she plays.

    Just saying.

    Also, what is it with Sena's unhealthy but extremely sexy obsession with Kobato, could anyone explain that to me?

    We must find those SenaXKobato doujinshi, which I am sure must exist or WILL exist, let us search the internets for them.


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