October 8, 2010

[Drill Jill] Sperm-star Ch.00

00 - She's a Violence Heroine

This book came out just the other day, and I've always been wanting to do something by this author. This book is one long story (yay), and follows Nekomiya Kei and her daily life as a high school student. Also she has an artificial leg. Well... That's true for this first chapter. The real story starts in the next chapter, and it's way different from this one.

If you've read any of the authors old books, you know what to come. Dicks and cum on an Erect Sawaru level, and all chapters but this involves futanari. Some badass fights and moeblobs, all mixed together into one book of awesome!

DF | MU | FU

Prosthetic Leg... fapfapfap

Ps: Try to find the main character on the cover. Took me a while to do so.


  1. the link leads to the chapter 4 of powerplay...

  2. Sound interesting. Many thanx Yqii.

  3. Thanks for our daily futanari, waiting for the completed tankoubon <3

  4. Surprised to see you working on this, haha. Was about to start working on this myself, guess you saved me some work there :p

    I'll be all over that new Erect Touch tank anyway... should it ever get scanned... bawwww...

  5. Oh, god exists...and i think he has the form of YQII.

    You can't imagine how i'm happy for this, i was wishing for someone to translate it so hardly...thanks a lot, thanks...

  6. really good first chapter! the rest? go from weird to crazy ..

  7. Nice timing, I just DLed this earlier in the week and was thinking how awesome it would be if someone picked it up for translation.

  8. I just read this chapter. And if it's any indication, this H-manga is going to be hilarious. Thanks a lot YQII for picking this up. Lots of awesomeness soon to come from this site. I can't wait.

  9. Tanks I really wanted this one!

  10. SO glad you're translating this. Drill Jill is one of my favorite authors and I don't think any of his earlier mangas have been fully translated yet, so thanks for doing this.

  11. Hahaha holy shit.

    Wow. There's no reaction image for what I'm feeling.

  12. Drill Jill is awesome!


    Or rather: Is that really the only chapter with those two? Shame.

  14. I'm glad to see someone working on this book, it looked really weird but interesting.
    Are you still planning on doing Sasahara Yuuki's newest book? I haven't heard anything about that in a while.

  15. is here gonna be next chapter also? xD It was good

  16. ... epik *faints*

    MORE!!!!!!! D:< *RAGE*

  17. agree in the more... nice work and lets hope you can make it all

  18. totally awesome. can't wait for more

  19. Well yqii, as much as I share a love for most of the artists you translate, frankly I find this artist's style to be repulsive. Good on anyone who does like it, but I can only hope your next project will be something more cute.

  20. >I can only hope your next project will be something more cute.
    Oh, I can assure you that. Lot's of new stuff coming up.

  21. Wow, it actually took me a while to find her on the cover.

    The cover itself has me looking forward to it. Also, awesome guy there.

  22. so this isn't the real story?


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