September 13, 2010

[Yaya Hinata-ya] Angel Days

Desudesu already  translated this last week, but I was close to done with it before I got hospitalized. It's been further postponed a couple of days since I haven't felt like doing the final touches (redrawing and moans) up until now. As far as story goes, there's not a whole lot of it in this doujin, and it's just a short happy-sex story. I mainly did this because I'm happy to see Yaya Hinata doing something besides those miko doujins for a change. Also, thanks to Bamboo from LWB for confirming some series related stuff.

DF | MU | FU

Knives are so moe


  1. KANADE!! Haha, I'm such an Angel Beats! fanboy, especially for Kanade (but so is all of Japan it seems; only found one other H-doujin that's not featuring Kanade; it's rape).

    Though I've seen this already, thanks for the work you put into it for your own translation/edit.

  2. I just want to see more of Hinata's work out there.


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