May 4, 2010

[Wanyanaguda] Kuro Loli Ch.06

06 – Triangle – Last part

The conclusion of this story. Feel-good stories doesn't really seem to be Wanyanaguda's thing, so don't expect a happy-go-lucky ending. Edited by ThorW.



  1. Good work as always. Though, if there's supposed to be a bummer here, I don't see it. Glasses girl gets her brother, blonde chick gets in with glasses girl, and the guy gets both. Maybe I was just expecting something like chapter 13 lol.

  2. Yeah, wasn't so bad. Maybe not lovey-dovey, and a bit foreboding, but fuck that. I'm an optimist.
    Certainly no murder. I'm still sore on that one.

  3. Yeah, when you suggest things go downhill, hentai fans are going to assume the wortst. That's merely bittersweet.

  4. Bittersweet I can take. Stabbed to death by a psycho sister, not so much. Not that I *hated* that chapter, but it isn't exactly my favorite one. Glad to see that this one doesn't have a BAD END.

  5. I actually liked that chapter with the murder. Mostly because loli is in the end a fantasy and something like that should be shown to at least show how horrible it would be to do actually do something like that to children.

    A little over dramatized but it gets the point across.

  6. I think YQII meant that the relationship will soon fall apart and who knows what will happen after that.

  7. Well... that had a more complex ending than I thought it would have :D

  8. explicit happy end and implicit sad. Unrequited love at its best tragedy

  9. An interesting and yet complicated "triangle" relationship, thou I'm still puzzled as who the happy "angle " is, I thought it was the blond girl, then again, it might not be it.

    Probably I'm just reading too much into it, sill, thanks to YQII & ThorW for and awesome translation & editing (respectively).

  10. It's the sister. The blonde isn't happy because she's fucking the brother, the brother isn't happy because he's fucking his sister, and the sister is happy because she's fucking her brother.

  11. Thanks! Now I see it clearly.


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