June 20, 2009

Whatever happened to YQ 1?

I'm going to be away from the weekend (i.e. now), so I scheduled this filler.

First off, I got a mail from Kaya and she said that she should be able to get back to editing in a couple of weeks, meaning new chapters of Ochiru Tenshi! Sorry for the long delay, the script for chapter 06 is and has been ready for a while, and Kaya starts with the editing on it as soon as possible.

Several people has been asking about the story behind the name "YQII", here it is:

About 2? years ago, information about a third Smash Bros game to the Wii started to flourish (JAPAN TIME anyone?). Being the Smash fag I am, it kind of forced me into considering getting a new console. I wasn't really interested in games back then, nor am I today (with the exception of Guitar Hero), so I started pondering if it was really worth getting a console.

Not knowing what's hot anymore in the game scene, I browesed around for some time to look up games that seemed decent (in retrospect, I didn't really buy any of those games), but I realized that having the short-term memory of a goldfish, this approach wasn't really successful. I made a text file where I wrote down titles, release dates, comments and other useful information.
Said file was only meant to stay around for a few days, so I just named with "why wii". Trying to be a comedian to a non-existing audience, I wrote "y" instead of "why", and my finger slipped on the "w" and I wrote "q", "yqii.txt" was born.

This file overstayed it's visit, for over a year. I used it to write down all kinds of things, this was back when Rapidshare had great speed for unlimited file to free users, if you knew how to reset your IP, so I used it to write down a lot of rs links that I could grab when I wasn't using the internet. I pretty much used it as a memo.
Around April last year, I had translated my first manga. Anonymity is great and all that, but I believe that when it comes to important stuff (like drawn Japanese porn), you want to know the source, with "Anon", you don't know what you're getting before you already have it. In the unlikely case that I should translated anything more, I thought that I should use some sort of signature, and "yqii.txt" was still around.

I used all lower case back then, but the font I used made "yqii" look like "YQii", so later on, it became "YQII", in all upper case.

Regarding the pronunciation. Given it's origin I suppose it should be something like "Why-key", but given it's use (writing whatever I feel like, without any trustworthy source), I personally usually think of it like "Wiki".

The more you know.


  1. cool, but where are the asian pornings? D:

  2. lol @ first comment.

  3. That's actually....very interesting.

    Also, fuck yeah, Japan time

  4. I always just pronounced it as individual letters, Why, Que, Aie, Aie... Guess I was wrong :/

  5. Cool story bro.

    Also, that Smash Bros game for the Wii also got me so freakish hyped as well. Shame that I don't have any of my friends who I played Melee with anymore and the online aspect ended up being a lagfest since it always seems to connect to people in another continent for no reason.

  6. LOL! Amazing how some names (aliases) are born.

  7. Whoops. Not pronounced "icky", huh? I... I learned something.

  8. So that's where it came from. Thank god I know how to pronounce it. My inner voice is finally happy. Fukcing typos.

  9. For some reason I always thought of it as sounding like "Yeh-Kwee". *shrug*

  10. Well that explains a whole lot on the name. Now I know how to pronounce it.

  11. Hehehe, I can relate to that. I just typed this username by accident and it just became a habit. :)

  12. Great story bro. Thanks for the little extra to read while we eait for updates. =D

  13. Lol, Really good story man.

  14. I love how peoples alias came into use. Thanks for sharing. :D

  15. I've always thought of it as 'Y Q Two',,,,

  16. I've always thought of it as 'Y Q Two',,,,

  17. Haha, holy shit, waiting for the first JAPAN TIME. There's something I couldn't forget. The hype for Brawl was bloody amazing. And for what it's worth YQII is actually a pretty rad internet name.

  18. Off-topic, sorry, but I just noticed that the links starting with "[Takeda Hiromitsu] Tsundero 01-02" on what is currently page four have all been swapped to what appears to be a phishing site. The links all point to http://lix.in, which brings up a faux page resembling the respective file-sharing site demanding a log-in. Wasn't sure where to mention this. Or am I misinterpreting. Looks like phishing...

  19. That's a great story. The way information like that stays around and gets transformed into other uses for no reason other than it being there is interesting. I wouldn't mind if you made more posts like this - about yourself, rather than just the hentai.

  20. I always thought about something like "yuquii" . It always sounded weird in my head.

    Did you get a Wii with Smash Brothers?

  21. Contrast the above story with my incredibly lazy ass name choice of "hmmm, I need a name to not connect this with other online personas, therefore making me anonymous, and since I'm a scanner... Voila! Anonymous Scanner!"

  22. @ Zathael
    That's how I always thought it was pronounced too. I feel a little silly for thinking of it as that for so long, but it feels good to know the proper way to say it (or rather, think it - I doubt I'd ever *talk* to anyone about this, ahem, clean and wholesome hobby of mine).

  23. tl;dr (,,゚Д゚)y─┛

    show me the porn

  24. >>desudesu:

    There is no Porn, only Zuul.

  25. >"yqii.txt” was born
    God, I loled hard.


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